Friday, June 9, 2017


Islam is a complex organization of memes. Memes are beliefs and like beliefs, memes can be good or bad. An organization of memes is a very strong belief system. Good or bad, a strong belief system kills rationality. Memes overpower the victim and victim is unable to think. Victim behaves and acts according to the directions of memes. Good or bad, memes ultimately harm society because it is frozen in time and space. A person under influence of memes cannot think on his own, cannot adjust with situation, cannot apply logic and cannot be prevented from dangerous acts. Islamic belief system makes Muslims incapable to accept scientific truths like “theory of evolution”, social truths like, “freedom of speech” and “equality of genders” and so on.
Memes acquire further notoriety as these are transmittable like virus. Memes behave exactly like a physical virus in propagating. Affected person infects others. Others, once infected, start infecting more people. It stops only when all are infected or when all healthy persons are aware of the risk and immunized. All or none. Memes also propagate similarly. Affected person infect new person. Newly infected person then start infecting more people. Worse, memes also propagate through hereditary line. Father transfers memes to sons and so on and so forth. Virus can be contained and eventually eliminated by not allowing it to propagate. Memes also can be contained but these won’t die out when propagation stops because of vertical propagation of father to son continues. For elimination, all infected persons have to be cured.
Islamic memedom is a dangerous belief system. It is against civilization, against scientific knowledge, against free thinking and against democracy. But Islam is also the fastest growing religion. Future of humanity, therefore, rests on the fact that whether civilization will be able to contain and eliminate Islam. Containment is surely possible. All non-believers must be immunized to prevent spread of Islamic beliefs to them. Also Muslims must be quarantined to their own countries. Having done both we can take respite as immediate danger of collapse of civilization is prevented. But how to destruct Islam? There is no force on earth that can destroy Islam, followed by quarter of mankind. Only Islam can.
Islam will self-destruct; a prophecy made by Mohammed in which he said that Islam will eventually be rejected by the world and would return back to where it came from. Mohammed did not lie. It is possible. Islamic memes are little different from normal memes. These memes need propagation to control its thirst of blood. If it cannot propagate outside, it will turn inside. Islamic memes will be inferred differently by different groups and each will try to assert its version among believers using available unused energy. EachSome group will become more vicious. Then there will be competition between different sets of memes.  Different Islamic memes will fight for supremacy among themselves, resulting in mayhem. Slowly violence will engulf Muslims societies and slowly memes will lose their grip on people and in the end die out. If Islam is contained, its internal energy will cause an implosion. Different sects of Islam will fight out among themselves to establish correctness of their path and destroy each other. But if they find non-believers among them then they will unite and destroy non-believers. So Islam can be destructed if Muslims can be confined to 100% Islamic states.

The Messenger of Allah (Mohammed) observed: Verily Islam started as something strange and it would again revert (to its old position) of being strange just as it started, and it would recede between the two mosques just as the serpent crawls back into its hole.”
(In this hadith, Mohammed foretold that the end of Islam would be strange just like its beginning and that it would shrink back to the limited area where it came from –between the two mosques of Mecca and Medina.)
Mohammed’s predictions of Islam crawling back like a snake to where it came from were repeated extensively in several other hadiths:
“There will be much killing during the last days of the Muslim.” 
“Muslims will diminish in number and they will go back to where they started [before Islam]”                                                                                             
The history of Islam tells us that Islam needs blood to thrive. Human blood is the life-line of Islam, violence is its hallmark, and hatred its foundation. In the beginning, Islam lived on the blood of infidels. Today also Islam is propagating through violence against non-believers. There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the world. Most of them have nearly 100% Muslim population. Islam cannot spread further in 100% Muslim countries. So Islam starts cannibalizing itself. Muslims start killing other Muslims for being less Muslim. As a car needs gasoline to run, so does Islam need human blood just to run its own course, set by Mohammed, its Prophet.
Since its inception, Islam has been at war with civilization. “Civilization” is considered a threat to Arabia’s identity and culture and with Islam it was the outside world that had to change and adapt to Arabia’s language, culture, religion. Islam destroyed Zoroastrian civilization. It is today survived by a few adherents in India. One small group fled Persia on the wake of Islamic storm in their land and received shelter in multi religious, multi ethnic and multi linguist society that of India. 5000 year old civilization of Persia had totally vanished but for this miniscule representation. Similarly Egyptians were defeated, destroyed and finally annihilated. Today it is only Arabs who inhabit most part of  Egypt. The story repeated again and again. The Bebers, the Turks, the Mongols, the Pathans, the Pushtuns and numerous other people were looted, raped, abducted, enslaved and killed. Conversion was a blessing. Conversion always came with a price. Forget your past and live anew. Forget your language, custom and culture and adopt Arabia’s. Islamic memeplex is so strong that the converted immediately forgot past and started behaving like one from Arabia. New Muslims were more ruthless. He was always at fore-front of violence meted out to his old co-religionists or infidels for looting and raping. It is said that a new Muslim is more dangerous than born ones. Islam spread like wild fire initially. In its path lay shattered great civilizations. Initially Arabs did not convert local people. They just used them. They took the women as sex slaves and the men as service provider or slaves and killed them when they were not required. That is why core Muslim land is fully Arabized, both culturally and genetically. There is no Egyptians in Egypt, no Parsi in Iraq. Afterwards, Islam spread slowly though steadily. Now new Muslims continued to use their language, customs and culture. That is why Bengali Muslims speak Bengali and Indonesian Muslims speak Bhasha. But Islam looks down to the use of any language other than Arabic, any custom other than Arabic any practices other than Quranic. Today a Bengali Muslim feels himself inferior because of his language. He tries to use more and more Urdu words which he feels closure to Arabic. A Malayalam Muslim considers Urdu his mother tongue though he and his fore-fathers cannot and could not speak Urdu. But Urdu is also an Indian language. So an Urdu speaking Muslim claims Arabic is his mother tongue. Endeavour of each Muslim is to become an Arab of 6th century and bring back the days of Prophet and Caliphate which subsisted on loot, enslavement and killing.
Like a Ponzi scheme, Islam must expand to survive. In that sense, Islam works only when more and more area comes under Islamic rule and more and more people join its pyramid. As long as the violence in Islam can be targeted against infidel, Islam remains strong and satisfied. New Muslim believers can empower the pyramid. Another place, another state, another people is absorbed in Islamic state. It goes on and on. It goes on till there is no place to bring under Islamic rule. There are no new people to conquer. Ponzi scheme stops. What happens then? But the Ponzi scheme is currently still operating as Islam is still expanding. It is expanding in Muslim majority countries where still there are minorities to be persecuted and Muslim minority countries where Muslims can live without restriction or conditions. This expansion has given Islam a lease of life. It is growing in India, in China, in Russia and in Western countries like in Europe, America, and Australia. Growing Muslims have become law and order problem in all these countries. Soon Islam is going to take over these countries one after another and then non-believers would have no place to go. Tragically, civilization has extended a life-line to a dying, evil ideology, one that has already predicted its own death.
What happens when a Muslim country becomes 100% Muslim? Then different fractions try to impose their concept on others. Imposition of Islamic ideas is called jihad. Jihadists yearn for achieving their imaginary perfect Caliphate. For this they wage war with state and try to usurp power of the state. They kill the opposition as Caliphate did fifteen hundred years back. But enemy is also Muslim of another sect or another group. In Iraq, Shias are murdering Sunnis and destroying their mosques. In Syria, Sunnis are killing the Shias and burning their mosques. Then the Shias are avenging this by destroying Sunni mosques. In Pakistan, both the Sunnis and the Shias are occupying Ahamedi mosques and setting them on fire. This musical chair of mosque-burning and killing is proceeding unabated, each group claiming they are the true Muslims. Each group is adamant they are absolutely following the Quran and Sunna (Mohammed’s deeds and examples), the two principal sources of Islam.
Interestingly, this fratricide is unstoppable, as the Islamic Ummah is far from monolithic. No one knows the precise divisions among the Ummah. But Mohammed had predicted that the Muslims will be divided into seventy-two sects, each one trying to kill all others, and together killing the infidels. Islam is very much like communism. It starts off extinguishing the “class enemy” and then when there are no more external “enemies” to slaughter, the killing machine turns on itself. Maoists will kill Leninist then Leninist will kill Stalinist and then Stalinist will kill Marxists. It goes on. The killing machine devours its own children and then ultimately engages in killing itself. Fratricidal war in Islam exists in its very concept. Islam and Islamic intolerance go together.
The earliest example of Islamic cannibalism, after all, is found in the Quran itself -- in verses. These verses refer to the gutting of a rival mosque on the instruction of Mohammed, when he was returning after his expedition to Tabuk, a resourceful town in the Syrian-Byzantine territory. This Islamic incursion story goes like this:
Proceeding further from Tabuk on his way to Medina, Mohammed halted at DhuAwan at Quba (about 4 kms. from Medina), an hour’s journey from Medina. There, an opposition Muslim group had built a mosque. Previously, while Mohammed was making preparations for the march to Tabuk, this group of Muslims approached him and said, “O Messenger of God, we have built a mosque for the sick and needy and for rainy and cold nights, and we would like you to visit us and pray for us.” Busy with his preparations for Tabuk expedition, Mohammed excused himself from visiting this newly-built mosque, but assured the dissident group that he would call on their mosque while returning to Medina (from Tabuk). On his return journey from Tabuk Mohammed halted at DhuAwan. Mohammed accused builders of Mosque at DhuAwan of being unjust. Without any warning, he sent a band of jihadists to burn and to destroy the freshly constructed mosque. He said to his band of followers, “Go to this mosque whose owners are unjust people and destroy and burn it.” His band of raging arsonists stealthily entered the bustling mosque and set fire to it when it was filled with people assembled for the evening prayer. The worshippers dispersed in utter terror. Allah promptly sent down verse, justifying the destruction of opposition mosques. To further validate his gutting of this mosque, Mohammed concocted the story that he suspected that the builders of the ‘Mosque of Dissent’ were planning to assassinate him.
These verses of the Quran, when taken in true Islamic spirit, can only mean one thing: the call for the devastation of un-Islamic mosques. The most important question is: which mosques are genuinely Islamic and which mosques are not so Islamic? Since there is no central authority in Islam to decide on this, it becomes a moot-point. It is, therefore, a free-market in Islam when it comes to destruction and bloodshed. The consequences are obvious and inevitable: Sunnis are free to destroy Shia mosques; the Shias are permitted to destroy Sunni mosques; both these groups are free to destroy Ahmedi or Kurdish mosques, and so on. Within each group there are sub-groups and sects and sub-sects. They are all entitled to commit such atrocities on other groups, sub-groups, sects or sub-sects. This is exactly what is going on in almost all Islamic Paradises.
Seed was sown by the prophet. Ever since, the practice of killing Muslims by Muslims is accepted. Only he has to be declared as apostate. During the time of rightly guided caliphs this cannibalism took a serious turn, sparing not even the two last caliphs, ‘Uthman and Ali. Both of them were murdered by savage Islamic fanatics. Among these cases perhaps the murder of ‘Uthman stands out to be the most aghast. Here is how it was carried out, as described by Tabari (The History of al Tabari, volume XV, p219-20):
Mohammed b. Abi Bakr, accompanied by Kinanah b. Bishr b. ‘Attab, Sudan b. Humran and ‘Amr b. al-Hamiq, reached ‘Uthman by climbing over the wall from the house of ‘Amr b. Hazm. They found Uthman, with his wife Nailah, reading the Surah of the Cow from the Quran. Mohammed b. Abi Bakr came up to them and seized ‘Uthman’s beard. “May God disgrace you, you hyena,” he said. ‘Uthman replied, “I am no hyena. I am God’s servant and the Commander of the Faithful.” Mohammed said, “Neither Muawiyah nor anyone else has been of any use to you.” Uthman said, “Son of my brother, let go my beard. Your father would not have gripped like this.” Mohammed replied, “Had my father seen you doing these things, he would have denounced you for them and I mean to do worse to you than grab your beard.” Uthman said, “I seek God’s help and support against you.” Then Mohammed pierced his forehead with a broad iron-tipped arrow that he was holding. Kinanah b. Bishr raised some arrows of the same kind that he was holding  and plunged them into the base of Uthman’s ear down to his throat. Then he fell on him with his sword until he killed him.
Kinanah b. Bishr struck his forehead with an iron bar. He pitched forward, face down, and Sudan b. Humran al-Muradi beat him after he had fallen and killed him.…As to ‘Amr, he jumped on ‘Uthman and sat on his chest—he was still barely alive—and stabbed him nine times. ‘Amr said, “I stabbed him three times for God’s sake and six times because of the anger in my breast against him.” The people who killed Uthman were impeccable Muslims—the most ardent jihadists, belonging to the stock of Mohammed the Hashim clan of the Quraysh.
This Islamic cannibalism did not end there. The cycle continued until Aisha (Prophet Mohammed’s child wife), along with two of her brothers-in-law, Talha and Zubayr set out to avenge ‘Uthman’s murder. When she reached al-Basrah, a rebel stronghold, she killed (by beheading) six hundred of the suspected rebels who had ‘supported killing of ‘Uthman.
Next, Ali, was sucked into the vortex of this vicious cycle, set out to punish Aisha’s gang. The result: ten thousand Muslims, including Talhah and Zubayr lay perished in al-Basrah, equal in proportion from both sides. Aisha’s life was spared by Ali, but her camel was hamstrung.
Muawiyah b. AbiSufyan, the governor of Syria and a close relative of caliph Uthman demanded from Ali the handing over of the killers of Uthman. When Ali refused to comply with this request, Muawayiah b. AbiSufyan, and his right-hand man, ‘Amr b. al-‘As (the deposed governor of Egypt), became open enemies of Ali. They gathered forces and set off to attack Ali. Ali met this force at Siffin. Fearful of defeat at the hands of Ali’s fierce and well-trained army, Muwayiah and ‘Amr devised quite an innovative trick. Their soldiers attached copies of the Quran at the tip of their lances and raised them high in air. Ali’s soldiers went in stupor and were hesitant to charge their enemy, lest they trample the Holy Quran. Both sides remained standstill—the battle became a stalemate. In the end, both parties agreed to stop fighting and decided on a speedy negotiated settlement by appointing an arbiter from each side. Having mutually reached this agreement, both sides separated and returned.
But not everyone on Ali’s side was happy with his prompt decision. A faction of Islamist extremists thought judgment belonged to Allah and Ali’s decision to appoint arbiters for a peaceful settlement is contrary to Islamic principles. This dissident group of Ali was known as the Kharijites. They insisted that Ali resume fighting. But Ali could not renege on his treaty of a peaceful settlement. The Kharijites declared Ali to be a sinner and asked him to repent. Initial attempt by Ali for reconciliation with the Kharijites met with feeble success. So, ultimately, Ali had to fight a major battle at the canal of Nahrawan, east of river Tigris in Iraq. This battle ended with a merciless mass slaughter of the Kharijites. But this war did not completely eradicate the Kharijite problem. Many Kharijites survived this genocide, went into hiding, and some of them returned to Kufa (Ali’s headquarter in Iraq) stealthily. A few of them went to Egypt. Now Kharijites are ready to wage war on other Sects of Islam.
The secret of Islam is out. Nobody needs to destroy Islam. Islam can destroy itself. All that is needed is to let it run its own course. It is bound to self-destruct. Only Islam must be confined, confined to Islamic states. Let all Bengali Muslims go to Bangladesh. Let Urdu speaking Muslims go to Pakistan. Let Kashmir be separated and handed over to Pakistan with 10 crore Indian Muslims. The un-Islamic world just needs to protect itself with strict security measures, never letting Muslims to immigrate to their countries, never allowing Sharia to be practiced in non- Muslim land, never granting citizenship rights to people who do not believe in democracy or national boundaries and never allowing Muslims in non-Muslim countries to breed like rats. Once the infidels learn the secret life of Islam, it is simply a matter to watch how Islam implodes. Once the Islamic oil runs dry, once the world secures a reliable source of energy to replace oil, once the infidels stand together, and once the infidels become iron-resolute to contain Islam in their lands, Islam will die a natural death.


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