Sunday, June 4, 2017


“Therefore the Negro people are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”
That is from Ibn Khaldun in 1377, one of the greatest Arab minds ever.

Arab Muslims do not tell their black “friends” that the word for “black”, as in a black person, in Arabic is “SLAVE.” The Arabic word for “black” (Abed) is “abed” which also means “slave”. This means that if you are a black man, your Arab Muslim “friend” would describe you as slave. Blacks are told that they should convert to Islam to avoid white supremacy but they are not told that they have to accept Arab supremacy. Arab supremacy does not even accept right to life for blacks.  A black person, converting to Islam, is like jumping out of the frying pan to the direct fire.
True, blacks suffer discrimination in some of the white countries or in India or China. It is equally true that majority of non-black people do not conform to this behaviour. State, society and religion (other than Islam) do not support inequality based on race, colour of skin or religion. But situation is not so in Muslim world.

Prophet Muhammad practiced and approved of slavery. He directed his men to do the same. The Quran devotes more verses to informing Muslim men of their right to keep women as sex slaves, than it does to telling them to pray five times a day. Muhammad’s father-in-law, Umar, the first Caliph, declared that Arabs could not be taken as slaves and freed all Arab slaves but he allowed taking non-Arab slaves.  This led to the wide Islamic campaign to capture slaves in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Western slave trade exploited Africans primarily for agricultural labour. The Arab slave trade on the other hand, has more often used men for military service or harem guards and women for sex and for their wombs – to produce children who will be slaves. Of course, males were generally castrated and if not, would be physically decapitated.
Many Muslim leaders since Muhammad had harems of hundreds (or even thousands) of non-Muslim young girls and women to service their desires. These women were unfortunately guarded by castrated male slaves, Negro males.
Islamic traders transported over 140 million slaves (black men, women and children) out of Africa to Muslim area.  They had to cross Sahara.  The result was pathetic. Only 28 million could make it. Rest perished.  The reasons are simple. The traders had scant respect for the lives of African people. They were treated like animals.  Adequate arrangement for food or water was never made.  Still some people used to survive. The male survivors had to face castration before reaching market. A large number male would die due to infection subsequent to castration. That is why vast majority of the slaves in the market were females.  It is estimated that over 120 million souls had died en route to the slave market in the hand of Muslim slave traders in 1400 years since advent of Islam.

Sufferings of the African slaves would not end after reaching master’s house. The female slaves were extensively used both for domestic chores and sex. Naturally females would get pregnant and produce children. But where are they? 10 to 12 million women, used for sex over 1400 hundred years should have resulted a billion strong community today. Alternately these women or their descendants would have converted to Islam, became free citizen and intermixed with the Arabs. Such a large number of African women would have supplied a dominant gene pool that would have made Arabs look like African themselves. It has not happened. In fact Arabs in 600 AD were a mixed race. They had African blood and look. But today, Arabs are white skinned and they are proud of it.
But then what could have happened? It is believed that Arabs used to kill the children of the black sex slaves. At least they used to kill or castrate male children.  Female children could grow to become sex slave again. Imagine the insensitivity. Arabs had been executing death penalty to their own children because they were born to an African mother. This explains why there is no black Arab in Arabia today. But still it does not explain how Arabs became white. It also has simple explanation.
Arab slave traders also used to attack and enslave Europeans and Turkish tribes. White female slaves were prized possession of an Arab. Even Mohammed praised three nice things in this world. These are greenery, sweet flowing water and white female face. First two things were difficult to maintain in Arabian Desert. So the third thing was in demand. Of course these white sex slaves also produced children. These white sex slaves or their children were converted. They were not killed. In time, these white children became free and part of Arab society. Slowly they intermingled and slowly Arab became white. Today’s Arabs are descendants of those European and Turkish sex slaves.

Islam is a deadly ideology.  Islam is the most bigoted religion. It is against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, and name it - any non-Muslims.  Along with bigotry, Islam is also most racist. Muslims hate Blacks, including Muslims who are Black and regularly refer to them as “abed” (singular) and “abeed” (plural), which is Arabic for “slave,” but is used as the Negro by Arabs and Muslims.  And, Muslims picked fights against and even murdered Blacks.  In Detroit,  two Arab Muslim gas station clerks beat Kelvin Porter to death with a tire iron (while calling him the Negro), in presence of his 12 year old daughter. All because, he asked them to stop leering at her.  It is not Arabs only. All Muslims hate Blacks which is in built in the religion. Muslims also hate Mongoloid people but do not express as Mongoloid people had been economically and militarily in stronger position. Muslims consider brown as less equal since they are not white.

In India Muslims created a unique caste system wherein Muslims from Arab, Turkey, Persia and Afghanistan are considered superior and called Ashraf. Converted Muslims, especially from lower castes of Hindu society are known as Ajlaf . Ashraf Muslims will never accept alliance from a Ajlaf Muslim. Finally there is Arjal who are like vilest people among Muslims as they are converts from lowest castes of Hindu society. Islam may profess classless society, but does not practice it. Islam considers Syeds are the Brahmins of Islam. Descendants of Mohammed’s clan of Qurarysh are the next level. All Caliphs were from Quraysh sect. Arabs are the original Muslims and so superior to all others. In fact many Muslims from Indian sub-continent will try their best to prove their Arab connection. Next comes, Muslims from Turky, Iran and periphery. Sub-continent Muslims are on lower status but above the Africans. Thus racism and social differentiation is widely practiced in Islam.


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