Thursday, June 8, 2017


Islam’s adherents believe Islam is the true religion. All other religions are wrong. People of the book, meaning Christians and Jews have deviated from true path of God. They should be brought back to true path but in case they refuse then they may still be allowed (Choice is of perpetrator’s) to practice their faith but must live under subjugation. Others like infidels, idolaters or atheists must repent and convert otherwise must die. Such is the perception of true religion. Apart from the fact that this true religion is actually a concoction of Judaism, Christianity and prevalent Arab traditions in 6th century, prepared by an extremely intelligent person known as Mohammed, the prophet. Naturally Islam has some basic contradictions. These contradictions were never questioned because some of these contradictions were there in Judaism and Christianity also. So they never question. Hindus are introvert. They are simply not interested in Islam. And a Muslim has no right to raise doubt about Quran and the Prophet. So these contradictions perpetuate. It is now presented for interested people.

There is more than one God in Islam.

Islam declares there is only one God. In fact if you go through Quran, you will find Quran spends maximum verses on this theme alone. If you want to convert to Islam then also you have to proclaim there is no God but Allah. But the fact is that there is at least one more God in Islam. A bad God, a bad God with reduced power. Satan is very much present in every concept of Islam. Satan is always trying to divert human mind away from God. So much so that Satan could influence the great Prophet, Mohammed to recite four verses which he later repudiated as satanic verses. Satan is present in the Judaism from “Old Testament” time. It is the same Satan who advised Adam to eat fruit of knowledge. The original sin was that of gaining consciousness of self which infuriated God and resulted in banishment of Adam and Eve to Earth to start human civilization. It is a matter of perception, who is bad, Allah or Satan? It may also be perceived that Satan helped mankind to become conscious and civilized. Then why Satan is bad and why God is good? At least Satan can be considered another God, even if bad. Islam presents more than just one extra God, Satan. Quran talks of large number of messengers and Houries. Gabriel is one of the messengers. Though messengers are not supposed to have free will but they are definitely creatures of Heaven. Similarly the Houries are present in Heaven to give sexual pleasure to dead Muslim men (Alas, there is no similar arrangement for pious Muslim women.) These innumerable Messengers and Houries are Heavenly creatures and can be considered semi-God. Where is monotheism? In fact Islam has more Gods than all Gods of all religions combined. Islamic heaven is overcrowded. Possibly hell will be a better place to live.

Kaba stone is worshipped

Islam preaches that God is invisible and has no form. Yet Muslims in annual rite, go and pray to a black stone in Kaba. This black stone was worshiped by Arabs before advent of Islam and Mohammed.  Mohammed allowed continuation of worshiping of black stone to accommodate Arab sentiments. But he destroyed all surrounding temples containing idols of innumerable Arab Gods. But if you allow one and preach total and absolute ban on creation of any likeness of any living being either by painting or sculpting then it is hypocrisy. Muslims destroyed all arts work of all pre-Muslim civilisations in the land they controlled. Few years back, Taliban destroyed Bamihan Buddhas in Afghanistan. This contradicts with practice of worshiping black stone in Kaba.

If Allah is perfect then why do Circumcision?

Islam declares God is perfect. What God creates is perfection itself. At the same time Muslim corrects God and calls them Musolmani. Every Muslim male child goes through circumcision. Now if God has given that foreskin on male organ then it must be for some reason. Circumcision was practiced by Middle East population since long and Islam adopted it. Muslims of some Arab and North African countries also practice female circumcision which actually means cutting of clitoris. This is an inhuman practice. Luckily all Muslims do not do this. But male circumcision is a must for a Muslim. This is a big contradiction. On one hand you say that God is perfect but on the other hand you correct God’s mistake.

Equality of human, hah?

Islam believes in equality in all men. Or shall we say equality in all Muslims. Even that is not practiced or even prophesied. Men and women are different. Blood money for a man is twice as much than of a woman. In death man has a higher value. Witness value of a man is twice that of a woman. A woman gets only half inheritance than that of man in equal position.  Then there is class system. A Syed is always at higher ground because he is a descendant of Mohammed.  In India Ashrafs are considered superior because of their foreign (Arab-Turk-Afgan) origin. Ajlaf are of Indian descent. They are inferior. Arjal is dalit equivalent in Islam. No Ashraf will have alliance with Ajlaf or Arjal. Ajlafs also despise Arjal. Of course Non-Muslims falls under sub-human category. Muslims as such do not have caste system. They practice slavery. Lowest of the low caste person is better treated in Hindu society than a slave in Islam. Where is equality?
Barani, a Muslim theologian was known for his intensely casteist  views. He regarded the Ashraf Muslims as racially superior to the Ajlaf Muslims. He divided the Muslims into grades and sub-grades. In his scheme, all high positions and privileges were to be a monopoly of the high born Turks, not the Indian Muslims. Even in his interpretation of the Quranic verse "Indeed, the pious amongst you are most honoured by Allah", he considered piety to be associated with noble birth. Barani was specific in his recommendation that the "sons of Mohammed" [i.e. Ashrafs] "be given a higher social status than the low-born (i.e. Ajlaf). In addition to the Ashraf/Ajlaf divide, there is also the Arzal caste among Muslims, who were known by their menial activities as the equivalent of untouchables. The term "Arzal" stands for "degraded" and the Arzal Muslims are those with whom no other Muslim would associate, and who are forbidden to enter the mosque or to use the public burial ground”.

Why slavery is permitted?

Islam has double-speaking role about slavery. Mohammed lists one of the reasons for collection of Zakat is for paying and freeing slaves. But at the same time Mohammed himself took slaves from defeated people. He himself converted freemen into slaves. Then he devised Quranic verses allowing Muslim to usurp land and other property of defeated community and take their women and children as slaves. Mohammed practiced enslavement, especially for sex and for money. Muslims under his command would sell off women and children taken captive in an engagement. They were also taking ransom for returning captured women and children in case their husband or father could escape and arrange money. That is why all terrorist groups of today, indulge in ransom taking activities. Islam does talk of eradication of slavery but also encourages acquiring slaves from non-believers and tells them that it is their right. History of slave trade is also history of Muslim conquests since advent of Islam. Only later colonialists picked up from Muslims and practiced in large scale in new world. Still there was a difference. Colonialists utilized slaves for farming and not for sex. A lot was written, spoken and documented about the pitiable condition of the slaves. Finally, humanity prevailed and American people themselves rose against slavery which never had any religious sanction anyway. There was and is no such feeling in Islamic world. Slavery was eradicated in civilised world two centuries ago but it is still practiced in Islamic world due to sanction availability for it in Quran.

Islam has closed door on free thinking.

Mohammed said “Go and seek knowledge.” But Islam is against any kind of knowledge which is not in conformity with Quran. Islam cannot accept evolution theory. The gospel of Adam and Eve is the final story. Islam cannot accept theory of big bang. How earth and other planets were created. It cannot match with God’s creation of Earth and Heaven. Science does not need religion. Science is absolute truth. Mohammed prescribed that casting any doubt in Quranic verses will be treated as apostasy which is punishable by death. Muslims destroyed knowledge by destroying temples, places of learning and people of learning and replaced them with Quran and Quran and Quran. That is why even though Muslims comprise about 20% of world’s population but their contribution in science and art is a big zero. If there is any stray Muslim man of learning, he has to live dual life. A life of religion separated from a life of knowledge. It is a contradiction difficult to digest.

Religion of peace? Is it a joke?

Muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace. This is a very big contradiction between saying and doing. The history of Islam is written with blood. In twentieth century itself they massacred 2 million Armenian Christians in a bid to change demography of old Anatolia. Actually Hitler merely copied this but implemented more efficiently by vanquishing 6 million Jews in 2nd world war. The same pattern was repeated in Bangladesh. About 3 million Bengali Hindus were killed in a sixty year period in Bangladesh. Bengali Hindus suffered silently and the crime got washed away by the mighty rivers of Bengal as well as Hindu practice of burning their dead. The Rohingya Muslims tried to annihilate Buddhists in their land of Rahine county in Myanmar to establish a Muslim country. Rohingyas used the weapons given to them by retreating British army for defending themselves against Japanese army. Instead they attacked Buddhists. However Buddhists defended themselves against Muslim onslaught and reciprocated. Now Rohigyas are considered world’s most oppressed people. Even if they are oppressed, they are oppressed because of their violent nature which stems from their religion, Islam. These are not only cases of violence by Muslim in recent times. Actually nobody is safe from Muslims including Muslims. Every day scores of people are getting killed in Muslim countries including Arab states, North African countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Violence committed by Muslims in the past cannot be described in a short space. Suffice it to say that there was no secular Muslim ruler in the history of Muslim rule in India. Each of them unleashed terror on Non-Muslim population whenever opportunity arose. Only exception might be Shahenshah Akbar. But Akbar also ordered killing of 30,000 Hindu peasants after conquering Mewar. Still India is Hindu speaks volumes of flexibility and courage of our ancestors. They survived six centuries till Europeans came. North Africa, Persia, Egypt and so many countries could not withstand Muslim aggression. The original inhabitants of these countries vanished against liquidation. Most of these places are now inhabited by Arabs or mixed descendant of Arabs. Just one hundred and twenty years back (1895) all inhabitants of Kafiristan in Afghanistan was massacred and the place was renamed as Gulistan. The people of Kafiristan followed ancient Vedic religion of idol worshiping. Nobody remembers them now because they do not exist.
Islam is not a peaceful religion.
Islam is a concocted religion where there are many contradictions. Unfortunately these contradictions cannot be annulled as Quran cannot be modified. Therefore Islam is doomed to remain a 6th century religion with contradictions. Its adherents will fall behind and the doctrine itself will die naturally with spread of education and awareness.


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