15. Conversion to
As per Islamic history, Mohammed received
his first message from God in the year 610 AD. He started preaching Islam in
Mecca in the year 613 A.D., three years after 1st message. Next nine years he strived
to convince Meccans and other Arab tribes to accept Islam by reasoning and his conviction.
But very few persons adopted Islam. Even Abu Talib, his uncle and leader of
Banu Hashim tribe who gave safety protection to Mohammed did not convert to
Islam. Death of Abu Talib and accession
of Abu Lahab to the position of leader of the Banu Hashim tribe in 619 A.D put
Mohammed in unenviable condition. Abu Lahab was sworn enemy of Mohammed. He withdrew
safety cover of Mohammed. So Mohammed was in physical danger for his life. He decided
to shift to a safer place. A small Muslim community invited Mohammed to Medina.
Mohammed first asked all Meccan Muslims to go to Medina. Then Mohammed also
left Mecca under cover of night with Abu Bakr in the year 622 A.D. In Medina,
newly arrived Muslims had no profession. They had no property. They had only
support of a small group of Medinan Muslims. Mohammed was forced to start looting
of Meccan caravans. He succeeded. Meccan attempts to defeat Mohammed did not
bear fruit. Rather success after success brought prestige to the fledgling Muslim
community. He also started attacking other tribes and Jewish settlements for reward
and propagation of Islam. Some people joined Muslim fraternity for physical
benefit and some were forced to convert after defeat. Mohammed realised what
reasoning could not do, double application of force and reward in this life and
promising heaven for believers who fight for Islam while hellfire for
non-believers in afterlife, can achieve. Mohammed had started walking on the
path of violence and never looked back.
Islam was propagated by strength of sword.
In the history of mankind, Islam
came as a change. The new religion was violent in nature. Never before, force
was openly recommended for religious conversion. Never before, a religious man (Prophet
Mohammed) led a band of armed men to loot and plunder. Never before a prophet
ordered execution of unarmed opponents after defeating and capturing them.
Never before a prophet joined ranks in raping women from a conquered community.
Mohammed not only led from front, he took share of the loot, order execution of
defeated men and personally rape women who lost their husbands or parents hours
before. Buddha to Jesus did not preach or practice violence. They preached peace,
non-violence and opposed greed and lust for others property or women. Islam is
just the opposite.
Mohammed could manage only handful
of followers during first nine years of self-declared prophet hood in Mecca
where he used to preach Islam through reasoning and conviction. Meccan people
did not like even that. Mohammed and his handful of followers had to leave
Mecca in 622 AD for Medina. Mohammed and the early Muslims did not have any
source of income in Medina. They took up looting of caravans passing through Medina.
Local tribes started joining the band for material benefits. Mohammed’s band
became powerful and waged war on other tribes residing in and around. Muslims
under Mohammed managed to win most of these encounters and resorted to looting,
killing and enslavement. Some were allowed to convert and join. In next ten years Mohammed became a feared
person with several thousand followers. So when Mohammed returned Mecca with
ten thousand jihadis, the city surrendered without a fight. He converted all in Mecca as an option to
avoid death except those whom he thought could be his competitors. This was the
beginning. Very quickly Arabian Peninsula was conquered and converted. Any
resistance was crushed brutally. Men were slaughtered and women and children
were enslaved. Only alternative was acceptance of Islam. Of course, it was not
difficult for Arabs to convert as Islam is truly a religion meant for Arab. Quran
is written in Arabic. Kaba in Mecca is centre of the Islamic faith like it was
certre of earlier pagan faiths of Arabia. All social practices in 6th
century Arab were adopted including practice of slavery. Some social practices
of Arabs were moderated. Number of wives that a Muslim man can keep was limited
to four though Mohammed himself had eleven at one time (with God’s approval of
course). But basic concept of violence of the then Arabic society was retained.
Violence was however diverted to opponents. A Muslim can attack and kill, loot
and enslave a Non- Muslim. In the process if he dies, he is awarded virgin
Houries by God in heaven. If he wins earthly women of the defeated community
are his property along with everything that they possessed. Arabia got united
under the banner of Islam. United Arab used its full force on the neighbouring
societies, communities and nations. After death of Mohammed, Muslim army,
mainly Arabs spread out under the leadership of caliphs. Within 100 years
Muslim forces captured Central Asia, Middle East, and North Africa, Sicily,
Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) and border regions of India and China.
Occupation followed by loot, mass killing, enslavement and conversion. All
these regions are Muslim today. Islam also encouraged adoption of Arab
language. Together with encouragement of Arabic, victors (Arabs) settling down
in conquered land, most of the region also undergone Arabization. Egypt, Palestein and North African countries
are Arab today. Ancient people had simply vanished. Iran and Turkey adopted
Islam but maintained their identity. Only Sicily & Iberian Peninsula could
avoid conversion by reverse application of force. Christian forces liberated
Sicily and Iberian Peninsula from Muslim occupation.
Islam made a unique combination
of state and religion. In the beginning, Mohammed and initial Caliphs had
absolute authority of both state and religion. Slowly Muslim state became too
large to govern resulting in independent kingdoms. However, all Muslim states
used to accept the supreme authority of Caliphs. Though influence of Caliph
reduced over time, no Muslim ruler could function without influence of some or
other Muslim religious men. These religious men followed path shown by Mohammed
and considered looting, killing and raping persons of different faith are in
order. Conversion by force thereafter became an accepted norm for Islam. They
would guide rulers to kill, maim or torture men and rape women to press conversion.
These men of religion were demons to non-Muslims. They were revered by Muslims
for they bestowed riches earned from loot of others. Many Dargas of Sufi saints
are frequented by Hindus who do not know that their ancestors were mercilessly tortured,
killed or converted at the instance of the same person.
Sultan of Kashmir forcibly
converted Hindus to Islam and massacred on refusal, writes Hasan, a Muslim
chronicler. Sultan was praised as Gaji for he had slain thousands of idolaters.
Hasan further observes, "And Sikandarpora
(a city laid out by Sultan Sikandar) was laid out on the debris of the
destroyed temples of the Hindus. In the neighbourhood of the royal palaces in
Sikandarpora, the Sultan destroyed the temples of Maha-Shri built by Praversena
and another by Tarapada. The material from these was used for constructing a
'Jami' mosque in the middle of the city."
Khwaja Moinudeen Chishti and
his forty disciples settled down in Ajmer. This city was completely alien to
Islam; no Muslims lived within the city. Raj Prithviraj was the local king. He
not only permitted establishment of khanqah by Khwaja Moinudeen Chishti but
also allowed preaching. Very soon Khwaja changed the entire civic
atmosphere. The locals were attracted by
his magic. They flocked to him for miracles. He started conversion. King
opposed and warned him. Khwaja Moinudeen Chishti then invited Sultan
Shahabuddin, and instructed him to capture the raja alive and his kingdom taken
over. The raja was defeated and captured alive and brought to Khwaja who
ordered him executed.
Shah Jalal journeyed eastward
and reached India in 1300. In Ajmer, he met the Sufi mystic Kwaja Moinuddin Chisty.
He also met with NizamUddin Awlia (1236-1325), a prominent Sufi, in Delhi.
Nizamuddin requested him to go to Sylhet to rescue Sheikh Burhanuddin. The
Sheikh had a handful of Muslims living in the kingdom of a Hindu King, Gaur
Govindha. He secretly slaughtered a cow to perform his son's christening. It is
said that a crow carried a piece of meat and dropped it in the king's yard. The
enraged king ordered killing of the Sheikh's son and the Sheikh himself was
Jalal reached Sylhet with 360 followers. Knowing that Shah Jalal was advancing
toward Sylhet, the king removed all ferry boats from the river Surma. Muslim
forces were defeated by the king twice earlier. But in this third battle king
was defeated by the force led by Shah Jalal with local help. Poet Hazrat Amir
Khosru wrote that warrior-disciples of Shah Jalal had no means of subsistence,
except the booty. They used to attack, kill and loot unsuspecting villagers to
sustain themselves. In fact, reference
to his having made “a portion for everybody” suggests that sort of behavior
befitting a tribal chieftain. Shah Jalal and his cohorts settled down by
marrying local women subsequently. Local women might be those who were captured
or looted.
Islam also adopted fraud as a
means of conversion. Islam says if the intent is right then deceit in the
process to achieve the intent is justified. Conversion in the eyes of Islam is
right intent. Therefore all kind of fraud is allowed. In 2014, a group of
Christians in an Indonesian island were offered food in lieu of stating
something in Arabic. After meal, they were told that they are all converted.
These Christians lodged a case of fraud against the perpetrators in a religious
court. Verdict is only one. As per Muslim law stating Sahada completes conversion.
Once converted, nobody can renounce Islam as that will be apostasy, punishable
by death. If it can happen in 21st century, why it could not happened
in preceding centuries.
Pir Ali Khan, governor of Jessore in Bengal, asked
Purusottam Thakur his courtesan whether smelling of food is considered half
eating in Hindu Shashtra. When Purusottam
Thakur replied in affirmative (GranenongArdhabhojonam), Pir Ali ordered to bring cooked beef and
forced him and his brother to smell it. Then Pir Ali told them that now you
have taken beef and lost your Brahmin status. Both brothers were then converted
by force. Other brothers of Purushottam Thakur fled fearing conversion.
Descendants of this Hindu branch of the family were known as Pirali Brahmin and
had a low status. Rabindranath Thakur was the most well-known Pirali Brahmin.
A group of Brahmin in the west
coast were tricked into believing that Mohammed is Kalki Avatar, the last
incarnation of Vishnu, which is predicted in Vishnu-puran and that Islam is
actually new Vaishnavism. The entire community converted.
Once Mohammed tried to convert
one Arabian tribe who had already embraced Christianity. He reasoned with them
in a meeting. No agreement could be reached on first day. The second day
Mohammed came back with a story of a dream where God has ordained him to inform
the community leaders that they ought to convert. Community leaders converted.
Sufi saint Allauddin visited
court of Arakan king. He was offered a glass of poisonous drink. He drank the
entire content. Nothing happened. Entire court got converted seeing the
miracle. It is so easy to understand that Allauddin could manipulate somebody
in court to replace the poison. This single magic is said to be the reason of
conversion of nobility of Arakan state. Similar stories are many in history of
rural Bengal.
Constant persecution
Third and by far the strongest
reason for conversion was constant persecution of non-Muslim in Muslim occupied
land. Mohammed advised tolerance to the people of books, meaning Christians and
Jews. These people were allowed to practice their religion in Muslim land. But
they had to live in subjugation and without any outward show of affluence. In
addition they must pay a punishing tax, called Jijiya. After conquering South
Asia, Hindus were also treated as people from books and were tolerated in lieu
of Jijiya tax for protection. In addition Hindus were to also pay pilgrimage
tax in India. These taxes were a constant financial burden to all non-Muslims.
Non-Muslims also could not give witness against any Muslim. They could not show
any kind of opulence, build any conspicuous structure, gather in large number
or show any religious symbol. Further, any Muslim could anytime usurp all
property and loot the women of the house of Hindus. This was an unbearable
pressure and continued for generations. Some people embraced conversion to
escape persecution. Even today, a Muslim can forcibly take away a non-Muslim
girl, convert her and marry in Pakistan or Bangladesh or in any Muslim country.
There were some Incentives to
become a convert. Only Muslims were appointed to higher posts. Muslims were
granted free land to farm. Muslims were also entitled for assistances from state
or Muslim Waqf body which is a trust for and by Muslims under ruler’s
Apart from getting freedom from persecution
a new convert is presented with favours from court and society. It has resulted
in many conversions.
Lure of sex
Role of sex in propagation of
Islam is less appreciated. Islam promotes male domination and considering that
it is a religion conceptualised in sixth century it is hardly surprising. But
the extent of male domination is such that Islam attracted criminality. Mohammed
solemnized his marriage with Ayesha when she was six years old and consummated when
she was barely nine years old. He had eleven wives at one time and all other
Muslims are allowed four at a time. Furthermore, Muslims are allowed to have
sex with slave girls whom they capture in battle or purchase from market. These sex slaves are not counted as wives. Mohammed
had several over and above platoon of wives. He had a son from one such slave
woman. No religion will permit such acts. Islam does. Therefore we find, Boko
Haram, a fundamentalist organisation of Nigeria captured 250 girls from a
residential school in June, 2014 and declared their intention of using them as
sex slaves or selling them to sex trade. They claim that they are following
Islamic tradition. Today, people get converted for marrying second time when
divorce from the first is not coming, since Islam allows four marriages. It is
easy to visualize that conversion to Islam could be easy way out in the past also
to regularise unlawful possession of married woman. Mohammed set an example by
taking lead to rape conquered women, sometime within a few hours of slaying
their husbands and children. May be this type of moral turpitude was not uncommon
among men of sixth century. But such acts were not given religious sanction
anywhere. Certainly holy men did not indulge in such heinous acts.
Moreover Islam talks of Houries
in the after world. If a Muslim dies in the act of holy war he becomes a martyr
and goes straight to Heaven. There he is served by beautiful virgin women. These
women regain virginity every morning to give pleasure to Muslim men everyday in
afterlife. So Islam promises you sex all the way. If you win you capture women and
if you die God sanctions you virgin houries. Lure of sex makes Islam a
different religion.
Concept of equality
Islam is also very attractive
because of its concept of equality of all men. From time immemorial all great
men tried to bring equality. Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism also preach
equality of all men. Hindus were attracted to Buddhism and Jainism due to
equality in the early years of the 1st millennium. But they
reconverted back to Hinduism by seventh century to reap the benefits of caste
system. Caste system is based on social position and livelihood and helped
people to get identity and occupation. All could practice their specific trade
without fear.
Equality in Islam is false
equality. Muslim and non-Muslim are not considered equal. Man and Woman are not
equal in Islamic view. Also there is inequality among Muslim men. There is
Ashraf and Ajlaaf. Indian Muslims of foreign descents are considered superior
and are known as Ashraf. Among Ashrafs Syeds are at the top. Syeds are supposed
to be descendant of Mohammed from Fatima. Then come Sheiks who are of Arab
descent. It follows by Turks, Pathans, Mugals and Upper caste Hindu
converts. Ajraaf are converted Muslims from
artisan castes of Indian origin. Of course there are Dalit Muslim too. Arzaals
do scavenger job among Muslims. Muslims consider that Arabic is the chosen
language of God. Therefore an Arab Muslim is definitely more equal than others.
Anybody who loves his mother tongue will hate to accept such position. Different
sects of Islam also consider other sects as non-Muslim and heretics, killing
the spirit of equality.
However, equality of Islam was
projected to attract low castes converts in India. It now cannot be denied that equality of all
men in Islam attracted many followers. Bengali farmers were possibly attracted
due to the spirit of equality. Similarly low castes of Hindu population
converted to Islam everywhere in India. However their social position did not
change after conversion. They are now categorised as Ajlaf/Arzal in addition to
their Hindu caste.
The concept of equality in Islam,
however, was absorbed in Hinduism and propagated through great saints of Bhakti
movement. Guru Nanak, Kabir, Haridas, Chaitanya, Rahim, Surdas to name a few
preached equality of all beings. During British period also Brahmo Samaj and
Arya Samaj preached equality of all men and women. Great Bengali poet Badu
Chandidas declared supremacy of humanity
Islam is also propagated and now
getting propagated by simple high rate of breeding. Islam does not believe in
family planning. It encourages more children. Actually Islam treats women as
object of pleasure and child bearing machine. The idea was required to supply
large number of men to fight wars in sixth century. Today, uncontrolled
population explosion may be suicidal for a country with limited means. But it
can change demographic proportion of a mixed country. High rate of breeding can
make Muslim from less than forty per cent to majority in one generation. In a
country like India population war is under progress which can be won in a century
or two. Muslim cleric promotes breeding. They know that growth of twentieth
century Islam is by breeding.
In 1872 Bengal had 52% Hindu but
in 1947 Muslims constituted a majority of 53%. Today Bengali speaking
population of the world is about 300 million, 70% of Muslim faith. This
population gain is not by conversion. It is by breeding. It is also being
helped by educated Hindus who have adopted single child family.
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