Sunday, February 12, 2017


U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) 2013 Annual Report records Muslim nations are the worst offender of religious freedom. In the list of 15 countries with the worst religious freedom abuses, ten are Muslim countries. U.S. Congress created USCIRF in 1998 as an independent federal advisory body to monitor religious freedom abuses abroad. Accordingly, USCIRF identifies status of religious freedom throughout the world every year. This 2013 report could have been for 2001 or for 2100. The fact remains that there is no religious freedom in any Muslim nation.

The 15 most intolerant countries are identified as "countries of particular concern" (CPCs): Burma, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Of these, ten are Muslim countries. Three are communist countries where all religions are banned. Only Eritrea and Burma are two one countries where human rights are violated and only in Burma Muslims (Rohingya) are persecuted. There is a reason for this persecution. The same Rohingya Muslims tried to exterminate local population during second world war. It is more like reaction to Islamic intolerance.

The nearly 400-page report details a range of human rights violations occurring in these countries.For example, in Egypt, the government has failed to protect Coptic Christians, who comprise 10 percent of the country's 90 million people and who are the original inhabitants of Egypt. The Copts have been systematically tortured and killed. Individuals are prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for "contempt" or "defamation" of Islam or its prophet.

In Iran, religious freedom has deteriorated over the last few decades for minorities, such as the Baha'is, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews and Sufi Muslims. The Report details that, "physical attacks, harassment, detention, arrests, and imprisonment have intensified. Armenian and Assyrian Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews – have faced harassment, intimidation, discrimination, arrests, and imprisonment. Anyone who has dissented against the government, a theocratic republic, including Majority Shia and minority Sunni Muslims, have been intimidated, harassed and detained. Several dissidents and human rights defenders have been sentenced to death and executed for waging war against God.

In Pakistan and Nigeria, religious extremism has resulted in unprecedented levels of violence that now threaten the long-term viability of both nations. Religious minorities are physically intimidated, abused and persecuted in the name of blasphemy act. In Sudan, since 2011, approximately 700,000 people have been expelled to the South as President Al-Bashir seeks to make Sudan an Islamic society.

Almost all Muslim Countries like Saudi Arab, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Uganda, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia have practiced or are practicing rule of sharia. Sharia distinguishes between believers and non-believers (Read it as Muslim and Non-Muslim). Non-Muslims do not have equal right even though they are citizens.

Among Non-Muslim countries, North Korea is the world's most repressive regimes. The Report states that a sizable number of people are arrested for religious activity which is banned. Like North Korea, Vietnam and China do not have full human right for religious and other matters. But all citizens in a Communist country are treated equal. There is no discrimination based on race, religion or sex. No religion is allowed to be practiced. There is a qualitative difference between a Muslim and a Communist country. In a communist country you are one among equal though you do not have the religious right. You have to keep your religious choice to yourself. In a Muslim country you are not equal and you will never be, if you are not a Muslim. Even a Muslim does not have right to question his religion, however wrong it may be.

The question of religious freedom is an issue of major importance at the end of the 20th century as it is regarded as one of the primary human right. Freedom of religion is universal, self-evident and inalienable. Indeed, wherever people are not free to believe in the God of their choice, practice their religion without hindrance or worship God freely, human rights do not exist. The examples of communist countries of Europe and Asia which were, until recently, under the sway of state socialism are a constant reminder of the dreadful conditions under which millions of men were condemned to live without the right to worship. After fall of Russian empire, socialism is practiced in only a handful of countries. Still three of the fifteen most religion abused countries are practicing socialist country.
But Islamic countries are the worst violator of religious freedom. 

Islam is not a just religion. It mixes religion with state. It encompasses all aspects of social, political and economic affairs. It is a society which has its own laws and codes of conduct which is standing since sixth century A.D. These archaic laws cannot be modified or even touched. Islam rejects anything and everything that is alien to its laws. This rigidity leads to a form of exclusiveness that is hostile to the concept of tolerance. Every non-Muslim is not destined merely for hell, but must be eradicated and removed from the face of the earth for being a non-believer. The choice left to him is either to convert, or face the danger of being eliminated. The same fate awaits any Muslim who dares to become a convert to another religion which is apostasy. Apostasy is punishable by death, especially in Islamic countries, i.e. countries where the state is theocratic.

Theocratic or not, no Muslim country experiments with democracy. Democracy is an alien concept. Given a chance to select their own Government, Muslim people will always vote for rightist Islamist parties. A rightist Islamist party when in power will disband democracy and usurp power in the name of Islam. Alternately army takes over the power or revolution throws up a person to power. The new man in power takes help of Islam to establish his totalitarian rule. Ultimately all Muslim countries are bound to be ruled by a dictator who might be from army, from revolution or from Islamist political party. Finally dictatorship will take control. Muslim dictators owe their power from religion. He naturally strives for establishing law of God, Sharia. Sharia means life by the time of Prophet. It automatically follows that Koranic verses will decide laws of the land. These laws are confusing and also open to interpretation. Interpretation of learned men (Learned men of Muslim theology and not of science.) is influenced by the leader. Autocracy is strengthened. One autocracy is replaced by another when previous loses steam. All these autocracies are particularly harsh on religious freedom.

Democracy implies equality. But equality is unacceptable in Islam. Non-believers cannot be equal to believers and women are not equal to men. Even the non-Muslims are not deemed to be equal. The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are accepted as second class citizens and allowed to live in an Islamic state provided they pay the protection tax; Jizyah. But the pagans, atheists and idolaters are not regarded as fully humans. According to the Quran, the idolaters are to be killed wherever they are found.
In the April 9, 2002 issue, The Wall Street Journal published the concept of blood money in Saudi Arabia. If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follow.
100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman
According to this hierarchy, a Muslim man’s life is worth 30 times that of a Hindu woman. This hierarchy is based on the Islamic definition of human rights and is rooted in the Quran and Sharia (Islamic law). How can we talk of democracy when the concept of equality in Islam is non-existent?
We can examine what Koran says.

"And this is a proclamation from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage, that Allah is clear of the idolaters, and so is His Messenger. So if you repent, it will be better for you; but if you turn away, then know that you cannot frustrate the plan of Allah. And give tidings of a painful punishment to those who disbelieve."

"Excepting those of the idolaters with whom you have entered into a treaty and who have not subsequently failed you in anything nor aided anyone against you. So, fulfill to these the treaty you have made with them till their term. Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous."

"How can there be a treaty of these idolaters with Allah and His Messenger, except those with whom you entered into a treaty at the Sacred Mosque? So, as long as they stand true to you, stand true to them. Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous."

"How can it be when, if they prevail against you, they would not observe any tie of relationship or covenant in respect of you? They would please you with their mouths, while their hearts refuse and most of them are perfidious."

"They barter the signs of Allah for a paltry price and turn men away from his way. Evil indeed is that which they do."

"They observe not any tie of relationship or covenant in respect of anyone who trust them. And it is they who are transgressors."

"But, if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then they are your brethren in faith. And we explain the Signs for a people who have knowledge."

"And if they break their oaths after their covenant, and attack your religion, then fight these leaders of disbelief- surely; they have no regard for their oaths - which they may desist."

"Will you not fight a people who have broken their oaths, and who plotted to turn out the Messenger, and who were the first to commence hostilities against you? Do you fear them? Nay, Allah is more worthy that you should fear Him, if you are believers."

"Fight them, that Allah may punish them at your hands, and humiliate them, and help you to victory over them, and relieve the minds of a people who believe."

"0 ye who believe! surely, the idolaters are unclean. So they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque.

"0 Prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites. And be severe to them. Their abode is hell and an evil destination it is."

"Surely, Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their property in return for the Garden they shall have; they fight in the cause of Allah, and they slay and are slain - a promise that He has made incumbent upon Himself in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Quran. And who is more faithful to his promise than Allah? Rejoice, then, in your bargain which you have made with Him; and that it is which is the supreme triumph."

"And when you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve, smite their necks; and, when you have overcome them, bind fast the fetters - then afterwards either release them as a favour or by taking ransom - until the war lays down its burdens. That is the ordinance. And if Allah had so pleased, He could have punished them Himself, but He has willed that He may try some of you by others. And those who are killed in the way of Allah, He will never render their works vain."

"And if those who disbelieve should fight you, they would certainly turn their backs; then they would find neither protector nor helper."

"Such is the law of Allah that has been in operation before; and thou shalt not find any change in the law of Allah"

Islam is equally harsh on Christians and Jews. See the following verses:-
"And the Jews say, Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say, the Messiah is the son of Allah; that is what they say with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before them. Allah's curse be on them! How are they turned away!

"They have taken their learned men and their monks for lords beside Allah. And so have they taken the Messiah, son of Mary. And they were not commanded but to worship the One God. There is no God but He. Too Holy is He for what they associate with him!"

"And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.”

"And if anyone of the idolaters ask protection of thee, grant him protection so that he may hear the word of Allah; then convey him to his place of security. That is because they' are a people who have no knowledge."

Regardless of any interpretations based on politico-social circumstances and interests the commandment of the Koran is clear: the believer has an obligation to fight to death against infidel. No concept of equality with persons of other faith an possibly coexist with such an aphorism. This is particularly demonstrated today by the tragic circumstances of the minority populations that reside in Islamic countries. They are faced with unrelenting fanaticism and prejudice to the point where these unfortunate people are migrating en masse to other countries where they hope to find some tolerance and compassion. Blasphemy rule if read with Sharia gives every Muslim a right to decide life of every non-Muslim. Blasphemy law tells that any criticism of Islam or its Prophet is punishable by death. Sharia does not accept non-Muslim witness against Muslim. So if a Muslim blames any non-Muslim of insulting Quran then he is doomed unless another Muslim opposes the first Muslim which is unlikely.

Every practicing Muslim is a fanatic. If not, he is an apostate. Any country where Muslims are less than 20%, they get ghettoized and only remain as a law and order problem. When Muslim population is between 20% and 40% there will start riots and occasional mass murder of non-Muslims. Once Muslim population is more than 40%, it is a matter of time that the country will become a 90% Muslim country.


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